domingo, outubro 17, 2010

... cries she with silent lips

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And so I'll go to NY

How to define a Moment

Moments from Everynone on Vimeo.

quarta-feira, junho 09, 2010

quinta-feira, abril 01, 2010

On the move (em fuga)

"E tudo o que for por bem,
Tudo o que der razão
Como ponte vai ligar.

Tudo te vai unir
Tudo se faz canção"

terça-feira, fevereiro 23, 2010

Stormy Weather

"From that old street
To that new house
To those beautiful hills inside your blouse
To the rain that kept falling
And those years off the rails
When we smiled like two sailors With holes in our sails
When I turned to a coma with a black hole in my chest
When a kiss was the cure and I'd save my breath
When you'd walk to the bedroom and I'd fall on the couch
If I wasted your beauty I'll ignite it somehow"

sexta-feira, janeiro 15, 2010

"Wow. after I jumped, it ocurred to me. life is perfect. life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television. and surprises...lot’s of surprises, yeah. and then there’s the best, of course. better than anything anyone ever made up, ’cause it’s real."

terça-feira, janeiro 05, 2010

segunda-feira, janeiro 04, 2010


O ano começa mal quando pessoas como esta já cá não estão, fica o vazio e a esperança de onde quer que possam estar estejam bem a brilhar com a força que é delas, nem que seja dentro de nós.

The Swell Season - I Have Loved You Wrong

Every now and then on my mind
on my mind