segunda-feira, fevereiro 02, 2009

Grey (tríptico)

"the sky is grey, the sand is grey, and the ocean is grey. i feel right at

home in this stunning monochrome, alone in my way. i smoke and i drink and

every time i blink i have a tiny dream. but as bad as i am i'm proud of the

fact that i'm worse than i seem. what kind of paradise am i looking for? i've

got everything i want and still i want more. maybe some tiny shiny thing will

wash up on the shore. you walk through my walls like a ghost on tv. 

 and what can i say but i'm wired this way and you're wired to me, and

what can i do but wallow in you unintentionally? what kind of paradise am i

looking for? i've got everything i want and still i want more. maybe some tiny

shiny key will wash up on the shore. regretfully, i guess i've got three

simple things to say. why me? why this now? why this way? overtone's ringing,

undertow's pulling away under a sky that is grey on sand that is grey by an

ocean that's grey. what kind of paradise am i looking for? i've got everything

i want and still i want more. maybe some tiny shiny key will wash up on the


Ani diFranco, Grey 

O ceu é cinzento, a areia é cinzenta, e o oceano é cinzento; no entanto percorro este areal em direcção ao sol que não está. Os meus pés descalços não sentem frio, não sentem a textura da areia, as pegadas pelo mar apagadas. A chuva realmente não me molha. Quedo-me imóvel à beira mar, deixo as bolhas de ar que o mar traz brincarem, rebentarem a meus pés. Imóvel e a brisa marítima passa por mim, invisível. Tardo um instante, tardo apenas um momento. O grasnar ácido das gaivotas perde-se no fundo, (como o fumo do cigarro), um sino a ressoar. Ao longe, ligeiramente à direita os barcos de cores garridas mantêm-se à tona da água, linha que separa dos mistérios líquidos e do som grave das profundezas. Quantos tesouros brilhantes este mar abraça e quantos deles darão à costa? Quedo-me imóvel à beira mar, um momento, apenas um instante.

3 comentários:

mansuetude disse...

hello holy...

this is beautiful, so beautiful. That image is amazing.

mansuetude disse...

i couldn't help tagging you--but this post, its song quote is really good enough, or you can do another one.

i know you LOVE ha ha such a thing.

Unknown disse...


Hello holy you.

Thank you,

You can tag me or any of my work, feel free to do so,
share the love, the inner-peace and all that it embraces.

Holy light, holy black, holy grey, everything is holy